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Theatre Department Policy and Procedures

  1. KIND words only.
  2. DO NOT interupt or talk during lessons or instructions.
  3. ipads must be charged!
  4. Be respectful to others and our facilities (picking up after yourself)
  5. Be prepared. Bring all supplies/scripts/props. BRING YOUR SCRIPT!
  6. No Phones. All phones must be on silent and put into the phone holder. This applies to rehearsals. Hiding or “stealing” another students phone will result in automatic lunch detention.
  7. No earphones or earbuds.
  8. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
  9. Drinks with lids and snacks will be allowed in the classroom with the provision that all wrapper, empty bottles, etc. be thrown away. If trash becomes an issue, food and drinks will no longer be allowed.


Theatre Procedures

  1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
  2. Phones will be put up in the phone holder and turned on silence for the entire class period.
  3. All trash will be taken to the trash bin before the end of class
  4. You must ask permission before leaving the theatre/green room/classroom/scene shop
  5. All chairs/props/costumes must be put back in place before the end of class

Theatre Expectations

  • All Productions Students must be involved in some capacity with each production.
  • All Theatre students will be asked to contribute in some way to every Theatre Fundraisers.
  • More than 1 unexcused absence and 3 tardies will result in removal from a production
  • All Theatre students are required to attend at least one show from the theatre department each semester.