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Karol Ann Michelsen's Profile


Karol Michelsen

Art Teacher

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About Me

Educational History:

Graduated from Fremont High School in 1978.

Attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and graduated in 1982 with a BA in Theatre Arts. 

Attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2001 and graduated in 2004 with a BASA in Studio Art and a K-12 Art Education Endorsement. 


Family Information:

My husband Jay is an attorney here in Canadian at Michelsen Law in the Hood Abstract building. 

He graduated from Texas Wesleyan School of Law, now Texas A&M School of Law, in Fort Worth Texas. 

We have been married since 2011 but actuallly met in the 8th grade and graduated from Fremont High School together. 

We have to chihuahua sisters, Pearl and Inez, who are 7 years old and the light of our lives.  

Karol Michelsen

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